ProdExpo — 2024 November 12 - 15, 2024 
30th International specialized wholesale exhibition
20/2 Pobediteley ave.
Main/Activities/Milk products

Milk products

Dairy products are  irreplaceable component of a complete and healthy diet. Regular consumption of milk and dairy products contributes to the correct development of the child's body and the normal functioning of the adult. Dairy products include milk and fermented milk products such as kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurt, fermented baked milk,  sour clotted milk, etc. Milk and dairy products are an unsurpassed source of essential building materials for the body - native protein and calcium, which are easily absorbed by the body. Calcium in the composition of fermented milk products is in an optimal ratio with phosphorus and other macro- and microelements, which contributes to its maximum absorption. And this, in turn, is important for the normal functioning of the body, preserving youth, blooming appearance and health.

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Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Exhibition Center "BelExpo" Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Exhibition Center "BelExpo"
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RetailMarketing RetailMarketing Baker & confectioner Baker & confectioner
Rabota_by Mirkout Kokoby Наш портал Myfin Dosug_by Вестник Мясной ряд Молочная река 24_by blizko_by Russiaexpo Realbrew_ru Журнал "Мясная Индустрия" Издательство "Пищевая промышленность" ibiz_by Наука и инновации oborud_info Exposale sdexpert ridjey Знак Качества meatcatalog Business Inform Expoclub generalexpo Expomap Expo Group Expo Book Crispy Рестарановед Belarus 24
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Venue: Pobediteley ave., 20/2 Minsk

Head of the project:

Victoria Mikolyuk
tel./fax (+375 17) 286 78 54
mobile (+375 29) 262 88 63   


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